Monday, October 12, 2009

OSGi Talks

I'll be presenting at the Central Ohio Java User's Group tomorrow, 10/13 on Modular Java with OSGi. This talk will be a discussion of why OSGi is needed with enough demo code and meat to leave the attendees ready to start exploring OSGi on their own.

I've also been fortunate enough to be selected to present a 1/2 day pre-compiler at Codemash on OSGi. This talk will quickly cover the gaps in Java that necessitate OSGi in addition to exploring, via hands on construction, the patterns and tools for successful OSGi adoption. We'll basically spend 3+ hours building an enterprise Java system with OSGi from scratch! I'm pumped and honored to be hosting the pre-compiler so please sign up if you want to get a 1/2 day submersion into building better Java applications that are more flexible, maintainable and testable than previously thought.

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