I’m going to sneak in a bonus blog post in the Enterprise OSGi series as I think some people may have had issues in getting the last step to work and will be relatively stuck without a little help in debugging what the heck is going on with Spring DM Extender. Enabling logging on a bundle that you did not write may seem tricky. Some may even attempt to download the source, tweak it and re-bundle the extender. A cool feature of OSGi is the ability to extend bundles that you’ve not written by developing a Fragment. Fragments allow bundles to be closed for modification, but open for extension. They are typically used to customize web bundles with separate UI skins (as we’ll see later), internationalization, separate OS installations, and a few other niche cases. In our case, we’ll leverage a fragment to customize the log level of the dm extender so that we can figure out what is going on when say, our bundle doesn’t start and there are absolutely zero messages explaining why. Let’s get started by creating another bundle
I passed another couple of flags to maven on this command to ensure that it doesn’t create any internal or interface classes that we’ll have to delete. In our simple case of enabling some logging, we really only need to add a single log4j.properties file to get the magic to happen. I placed it in a src/main/resources/ to keep in line with a typical maven project and added some simple verbose logging configuration.
log4j.rootLogger=info, A
log4j.appender.A.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
The last order of business is to adjust the manifest to attach this fragment to a host bundle. As usual, we accomplish this task by adding the following line to the BND file
Fragment-Host: com.springsource.org.apache.log4j
Compiling the project and running pax-provision should provide a slew of information regarding the process spring uses to look for bundles and resolve dependencies
If you’ve had issues, this will hopefully provide some clues as to why the dm extender was not able to find your dependencies. My most frequent mistake is to misspell the directory containing the context files. In the next post, we’ll resume our regularly scheduled programming by providing a database backed persistence layer in our application.
Examples, as always available on github.
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