Friday, November 13, 2009

My Mac Tools

I recently started over from scratch on a shiny new 15" macbook pro. What I didn't realize is how many tools I've accumulated on the old machine. While downloading 4 separate tools at once, I thought it would be a good time to track my favorites for posterity's sake (and to help my friend Tim who is in a similar scenario).

Adium - IM client of choice
Quicksilver - I have trouble interfacing with my mac without it
TweetDeck - My favorite twitter client
Things - My method for Getting Things Done
Isolator - Tool for improving focus
TextMate - Great lightweight editor
SpringSource Tool Suite - Great heavyweight editor
Tomcat - Java webserver
MySQL - Powerful open source database
Sequel - Very nice client for SQL
Skype - You know
JumpCut - Better copying tool
SuperDuper - Backups that work
Cyberduck - FTP, webDAV, Cloud Client
Dropbox - Ass kicking Cloud storage
iTerm - My preferred terminal client
Evernote - Quick note taking
VMWare Fusion - Better than Parallels IMHO

And that's about it. I'll try to update as I remember others, but these are the tools that I really missed in the first two days of using my new mac.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Tweetdeck, Textmate, Skype, Dropbox, and Fusion were installed before I started begging for help. :)

Tweetdeck needs a shoutout here, though. I installed this eons ago on Windows, and even dealt with the massive memory leaks because it was nice to have groups. Then they allowed you to save those groups, and I've gotten two new laptops and an iPhone since then. Installed Tweetdeck on all of them, and it was like I never even turned it off.

Back to adding stuff to my new toy...