Monday, January 11, 2010

Enterprise OSGi in 10 steps

I'm presenting a Modular Java pre-compiler session at Codemash and in preparing I have learned a good deal about OSGi. My mode of learning was to take small granular steps towards a front to back solution to a typical project problem, but with the benefit of using OSGi. If you want to follow my footsteps, the best thing you can do is come to Codemash and attend the pre-compiler. If you aren't fortunate enough to get there, I'm going to post 10 blog posts to build up your knowledge of OSGi and the accompanying tools. This post will serve as a table of contents.

Step 0 - Simple Bundle
Step 1 - Creating your Domain
Step 2 - Importing from another Bundle
Step 3 - Service Oriented OSGi
Step 4 - Spring DM
Step 4.5 - Spring DM Extender Logging
Step 5 - Persistence
Step 6 - Integration Testing
Step 7 - Web Development
Step 8 - Skinning a UI
Step 9 - Deploy Time Configuration

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